设备功能 / Equipment Functions 开机率 / Operating Rate:95% 产能 / Capacity:900pcs/h 准确率 / Accuarcy Rate:99%
设备简介 / Equipment Introduction 采用高精度压差传感器,测试香水灌装容器是否泄漏,测试精度高,误测率低。每次测量10组产品,记录并显示测试数据,测试结果以灯光提示。测试气压可精确调整并被实时监控。设备实时监控各组测试位的自身状况,如有异常可自行关闭有问题的测试位。异常时报警,并提示异常位置。自动记录合格品和不合格品数,并细化到每组测试工位,实时计算产能。完善的安全防护措施,防止意外工伤发生。 Using high-precision differential pressure sensor to test whether the perfume leak or not. It can make sure high test precision and low rate of false test. 10 groups of products can be tested each time, and the machine will record and display the test data, and the test results will be indicated by lights. The test pressure can be precisely adjusted and be monitored in real-time. The machine is capacity of real-time monitoring the situation of every tested stations, any unusual tested stations will be turned off by the machine. Under abnormal condition, the machine will stop and alarm, and indicate the abnormal place. The machine will automatic recording the number of qualified and unqualified products, and it also can show the details of each testing station, and computing machine capacity in real-time. Comprehensive security measures to prevent accidental injury occurred. |